Hello! Today we have updated our crew's tag. It's a brand new, stylish and beautiful tag. 

You can view it here


Views: 51 | Added by: sAnd | Date: 14.06.2014 | Comments (0)

Since now it's available to see our rating in the website's contanier. It shows proportion of our won and lost rounds.

How does it work?

Look, it's very simple (example):

Lost rounds Won rounds Total score
100 50 -50

So, for now it'll be like this: -50/100


Views: 65 | Added by: sAnd | Date: 13.06.2014 | Comments (0)

To people who're interested. I'm going abroad this June. I'm being offline from 15th to 29th.

Views: 56 | Added by: džeko | Date: 09.06.2014 | Comments (0)

Call of Duty 2 player nemec has just joined us. You can see his profile on the page "crew".

Want to see 'crew' page? Want to become 'Macintosh crew' member?


Views: 62 | Added by: sAnd | Date: 05.06.2014 | Comments (0)

View the banner scripts link:

88x31 132x47


Want to write request to copy our banners script?
click here


Views: 40 | Added by: sAnd | Date: 03.06.2014 | Comments (0)


Click to watch WWDC livе


Views: 66 | Added by: sAnd | Date: 02.06.2014 | Comments (0)

Our crew was named in honor to Apple company's product - Macintosh. We're very proud to wear this game tag, because we love Apple very much. So, we thought to make our new topic - 'Apple news'. And today is our first article:

Today is WWDC 2014. Apple Wide World Developer Conference. June 2-6, San Francisco. Over the past six years, a massive cultural shift has occurred. It's changed how we interact with one another. Learn new things. Entertain ourselves. Do our work. And live our daily lives. All because of developers and the apps they create. For five days, one thousand Apple engineers and five thousand developers will gather together. And life will be different as a result. Write the code. Change the world.

Views: 80 | Added by: sAnd | Date: 02.06.2014 | Comments (0)

Some facts about our crew. We've named our crew in honor to Apple Macintosh computers. We love it very much. So, today we've added the new page called "About Mac". Read the history, know the history!

" Details matter, it's worth waiting to get it right. " - Steve Jobs

New page "About Mac"


Views: 76 | Added by: sAnd | Date: 02.06.2014 | Comments (0)

Today we've added forum. In forum you can write a letter for us to join crew. You can join our clan if you press "New Topic" button in the corner of website's forum and write about yourself. Also there will be available to see our banner scripts, in two sizes (132x47 and 88x31). 

How to join crew: Banner scripts:
view view


Views: 66 | Added by: sAnd | Date: 02.06.2014 | Comments (0)

1. A match is played over two maps, one picked by each clan in the challenge form. Each clan will play one time as axis and one time as allies on both maps. The clan with the on the ladder can choose which map is played first.


2. Each clan may choose which side they start on their opponents map. Each map has a roundlimit of. Both clans play 10 rounds as axis and 10 rounds as allies. Total rounds in a match is 2x20 = 40. Rounds will be set at 2 minutes long. The score is determined by adding all rounds won from each clan over the whole match.


3. There is a limit of one. Using more than one shotgun in a team may result in a forfeit loss. 


4. The default team size for clan matches is 5on5, but you can specify a different team size in the challenge page. The minimum team size is 2v2, max team size 10on10. Matches played with other team sizes will be cancelled. 

Views: 74 | Added by: sAnd | Date: 02.06.2014 | Comments (0)

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